Re: [Salon] Bari Weiss & John Podhoretz on Fighting "Wokeness" at JLC 2022

CALLING ALL CONSERVATIVES! (And Biden Democrats allied to Bennett.)

You Tikvah Fund/NatCon/Straussian/Conservative fans have two very special events to look forward to, with the whole caboodle of your Movement out in force, beginning today (sorry for the late notice). But the event announcement (see below toward Botton) itself as an illuminating event showing the conjoining of  Traditional Conservatives, National Conservatives, Neoconservatives, Straussian’s, and Zionists, with Yoram Hazony covering at least two of those bases. 

The event is in fact, it appears, a celebration of National Conservatism, as articulated by the Israeli Settler/Zionist, Yoram Hazony, and his latest book, "Conservatism: A Rediscovery.” This says all you need to know of the latest version of ideological conservatism, and its sources, as this Washington Times article explains a bit of:
"He writes: “A political regime founded on Enlightenment liberalism cannot sustain itself even for three generations. Enlightenment liberalism initiates a perpetual revolution that destroys its own foundations in the name of reason, opening the door to Marxism and fascism.” (TP=In fact, it was the "Counter-Enlightenment ideologues” who would be one source of fascism.”  

So Hazony is not the only “conservative” to despise “Enlightenment liberalism.” Here are two others sharing similar thoughts on it, and of 1789: 

"And, what concerns this matter: the fact that the new right-wing Germany does not tolerate us says nothing against the principles of the right. To the contrary: only from the principles of the right, that is from fascist, authoritarian and imperial principles, is it possible with seemliness, that is, without resort to the ludicrous and despicable appeal to the droits imprescriptibles de l’homme (meaning the “despicable appeal to the ‘Declaration of the right of man and the citizen’")  to protest against the shabby abomination. I am reading Caesar’s Commentaries with deep understanding, and I think of Virgil’s Tu regere imperio… parcere subjectis et debellare superbos. There is no reason to crawl to the cross, neither to the cross of liberalism, as long as somewhere in the world there is a glimmer of the spark of the Roman thought. And even then: rather than any cross, I’ll take the ghetto. "

Other Counter-Enlightement ideologues are described here:
  1. "In a much-cited essay Isaiah Berlin contended that one could trace the origins of fascism to Counter-Enlightenment ideologues like Joseph de Maistre and Johann Georg Hamann. Indeed, a certain plausibility marks Berlin’s claim. For one of fascism’s avowed 1 goals was to put an end to the Enlightenment-derived nineteenth century worldview: the predominance of science, reason, democracy, socialism, individualism, and the like. As Goebbels pithily observed a few months after Hitler’s rise to power, “The year 1789 is hereby erased from history.” Maistre and his contemporaries were horrified by the specter of radical change. As such, they preferred the “contrary of revolution” (reform from above) to the specter of “counter-revolution,” which would merely perpetuate the cycle of violence.  (TP- In fact, they were not advocates of “reform of above” either, as well documented, except for the rare exception, Burke, with the pre-Revolution Burke in fact a “liberal,” by English standards).10. 

    "The fascists, conversely, crossed the Rubicon and never looked back. They knew that, in an age of total war, a point of no return 12 had been reached: there could be no going back to the tradition bound cocoon of the ancien régime. They elected to combat the values of the French Revolution with revolutionary means: violence, war, and total mobilization. Thereby, they ushered in an alternative vision of modernity, one that was meant to supersede the standpoint of the philosophes and the political champions of 1789.”

    Curiously, it was Rousseau’s most dedicated ideological descendant in the US, Willmoore Kendall, who would be closest ideologically, and by friendship, to  Leo Strauss, the self-identified fascist from above.

    Thus, Hazony’s equally duplicitous book, proving once again the cognitive dissonance of what “Ideological Conservatives” say, and do. 

    But for more on Hazony, and events of interest to Conservatives, and his Radical-Right Zionist Movement:

    About Us
    The Jewish Leadership Conference (JLC) aims to develop a new political and cultural vision for American Jewry, and to bring together Jews who believe that conservative ideas can help strengthen the Jewish people, the Jewish nation, and the American civic future.

    Elliott Abrams

    Elliott Abrams is the chairman of the Tikvah Fund, as well as chairman of the Vandenberg Coalition and Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C. . . . In the Trump administration he served in the State Department as Special Representative for Iran and for Venezuela. 

    2022 Speakers include, all of the most Extreme-Right Conservatives giving obeisance to the Tikvah Fund: 
    ·       Elliott Abrams
    ·        Eric Cohen
    ·       Matthew Continetti
    ·       Amb. Ron Dermer
    ·       Gov. Ron DeSantis
    ·       Yoram Hazony
    ·       John Podhoretz
    ·       Sec. Mike Pompeo
    ·       Dan Senor
    ·       Jonathan Silver
    ·       Rebecca Sugar
    ·       Bari Weiss
    ·       Ruth Wisse

     More on Hazony and the Tikvah Fund which he has been intertwined with:

    How an Israeli thinker became one of Trumpism’s foremost theorists
    The Israeli writer Yoram Hazony is one of the American right’s most celebrated thinkers — and the personification of a quietly influential Israel-American right-wing world of ideas.,7340,L-5089925,00.html

    "The right-wing response to the New Israel Fund
    Huge donations, aiding organizations with a distinct agenda, an attempt to change the public discourse in Israel with foreign money: The Tikvah Fund, which promotes a US Republican worldview through research institutions, seminars and media outlets with a clear right-wing ideology, is being accused by Religious Zionism circles of turning a cold shoulder to the disadvantaged, underrepresenting women and deepening the rift among the Jewish people.”
    That’s the Republican/Libertarian influence for you.

    Open to see: 
    Posters hanging with pictures of President Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu, with a message in Hebrew reading “No to a Palestinian state sovereignty, do it right!” in Jerusalem on June

    What does that mean in practice?

    'They were shooting directly at the journalists': New evidence suggests Shireen Abu Akleh was killed in targeted attack by Israeli forces

    a peculiar irony that one of the most influential theorists of President Donald Trump’s “America First” style of conservative nationalism is an Israeli citizen.Sec. Mike Pompeo
    And Conservatives won’t want to miss these, even if the first will have to be found on Youtube, if possible: 


The 2022 Jewish Leadership Conference
Jews, Israel, and the Future of the West
 Sunday, June 12, 2022 | 9:00 AM–5:00 PM ET
Pier Sixty | New York, NY
Tickets are $500 and we have several sponsorship opportunities available.
Tikvah Society Members receive two complimentary JLC tickets.
All proceeds directly support Tikvah's educational programs and projects.
American society is bitterly divided over fundamental questions of identity, history, race, sex, the purpose of the media, and our educational institutions. American Jews are caught in the crosswinds of the tumult. How should we deal with the problem of “wokeness” in the elite institutions—schools, media, colleges, corporations? What is our positive Jewish vision and strategy to preserve and advance our core values? We’ll look at these questions from the editor’s desk: asking how Bari Weiss, founder of Common Sense and John Podhoretz of Commentary think about this Jewish moment in American culture.
There are still a limited number of seats available, and you can register to attend the conference by clicking on the button below.
Bari Weiss and John Podhoretz will be joined by a world-class lineup of speakers, including:
  • Roger Hertog receiving the 2022 Herzl Prize for Jewish Leadership
  • Sec. Mike Pompeo on "Global Orders and Disorders: Does America Have a Strategy?"
  • Gov. Ron DeSantis on "The Florida Model—And Why It's Good for the Jews"
  • Amb. Ron Dermer on "Israel, America, and the New Middle East"
  • Rabbi Meir Soloveichik on "Jewish Greatness"
  • Ruth Wisse on "Jewish Courage"
  • Yoram Hazony & Matthew Continetti on "What is Conservatism?"
  • MK Simcha Rothman on "How to Strengthen Israeli Democracy"
  • Elliott Abrams on "Tikvah's Strategy to Advance Jewish Excellence"
By participating in the JLC, you will be honoring Roger Hertog's leadership and providing crucial philanthropic support for our educational programs and fellowships that directly impact the lives of thousands of young Jews and Zionists. 

All contributions are tax-deductible, less the amount of goods/services received.
Please note that space is extremely limited this year. We anticipate this event to sell out quickly and encourage anyone interested to reserve your seats today.

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